Module 4: Basic Child Knowledge
Unit Standard ID 244469, 244484 | NQF Level 4 | Credits 18
Portfolio of Evidence (PoE)
Assessor feedback to learner will be withing 20 working days after submission of the Portfolio of Evidence
Final feedback will only be after SETA verification, and time frame is dependent on the SETA
Learner's Initials |
Learner's Surname |
ID Number |
Cell number |
Learners Email |
Assessor's Initials & Surname |
Assessor Number |
Unit Standard Title |
Skills Development Facilitation |
Unit Standard ID |
244484, 244469 |
NQF Level |
4 |
Credits |
18 |
Select the option as to what you would like to happen with your PoE once it has gone through the relevant processes |
Courier it to me at my own cost |
Destroy the PoE |
I will collect the PoE from Future Families Enterprises within 30 days of receiving notification, if not collected the PoE will be destroyed |
Training Company
All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronically, mechanically, by photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the owner. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained in this manual. The owner and programme designer assumes no responsibility for losses of any kind resulting from the direct or indirect use of the information contained herein.
Future Families Enterprises (Pty) Ltd
Physical Address:
Building 10A
Meiring Naude Road
Gauteng, South Africa
Postal Address:
P O Box 209
Willow Acres
Tel: (012) 841 3223
Fax: (012) 8413228
What Should your Evidence Aim to Prove?
Purpose and Rationale of the Qualification
Purpose of the Unit Standards and Training Programme
Learners who wish to enrol for this qualification are assumed to be competent in:
The portfolio of evidence (PoE)
Section 1: Administrative Detail
Special Instructions Pertaining to Unit Standard
Section 2: Assessment Planning.
Pre-Assessment Meeting Minutes
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) – Evidence Matrix
Section 3: Assessment Design Matrix
Provide care for babies, toddlers and young children (NLRD 244469)
Section 4: Formative Activities.
Activity 1: Development Stages of Babies and Children
Activity 2: Routines and Transitions
Activity 2.2 (SO4, AC1, 2, 5, 7)
Activity 2.3 (SO4, AC1, 2, 5, 7)
Activity 3: Providing a Safe Environment
Activity 4: Illnesses and Injuries
Activity 5: Nutrition and Food
Activity 6: Basic Rights of Children
Section 5: Knowledge Assignment
Section 6: Workplace Assessment
Assignment 2B: Essay on Safety Measures (US 244469, SO 1 AC 2 -4, 6 - 9)
Emergency Evacuation Plan – Addendum B
Emergency Contact Numbers – Addendum C.
Assignment 2C: Questions on Health Care (US 244469, SO 1 AC 5SO 2 AC 1 – 11, SO 4 AC 1 - 7)
Example Menus for 1 week – Addendum E
Example of routine for age group 1 – Addendum F
Example of routine for age group 2 – Addendum G
Please insert your evidence after this page.
Assignment 2D: Information Session for Parents (US 244469, SO 3 AC 1 - 4)
Presentation Checklist 1 - Senior Staff Member
Presentation Checklist 2 -Complete by Peer
Copy of Presentation – Addendum G
Section 7: FUTURE FAMILIES Feedback
Assessor Feedback to Learner per Summative Assessment Activity
Future Families Assessor Feedback to Learner per Outcome
Learner Feedback to the Assessor
A portfolio is a collection of written documents, audio or video tape recordings, references, certificates or other items. It usually
· Lists the criteria against which you aim to prove the competence;
· Provides evidence that your competence meets these criteria; and
· Is organised in ways that enable an assessor to evaluate the evidence against the criteria.
SAQA defines applied competence as having three elements:
· Practical competence (the demonstrated ability to perform a set of tasks)
· Foundational competence (the demonstrated understanding of what we are doing and why)
· Reflective competence (the demonstrated ability to learn from our action and adapt to changes or unforeseen circumstances).
You should include evidence of all three kinds of competence in your portfolio.
What Should your Evidence Aim to Prove?
The evidence you provide in your portfolio should aim to prove that you are competent against the outcomes described in the unit standard that the programme is aligned against. You will need to interpret these outcomes in relation to your own workplace.
Good evidence is usually
· Valid (it should relate to what is being assessed)
· Current (it should be as recent as possible)
· Sufficient (there should be enough evidence, but not too much)
· Authentic (you must generate your own evidence at the workplace and may not use the evidence/work of other people in any form)
In order to be declared competent against the unit standard comprising the module, you will need to complete both formative and summative assessment activities.
Formative assessment refers to assessment that takes place during the process of learning and this will be the completion of the formative assessment activities in the PoE. Your facilitator will assess these activities and give continuous feedback on your progress. You will be required to do the necessary remediation.
Summative assessment is assessment for making a judgement about achievement. This includes a Knowledge Questionnaire and workplace assignments on the completion of the unit standard in the module.
Integrated assessment requires the learner to demonstrate applied competence and uses a range of formative and summative assessment methods. The type of assessment used will depend on the stage of development of the learner. Below are examples of different types of assessment:
Diagnostic assessment:
In this type of assessment, the assessor should identify training needs and draw up a development plan for the learner. This is done in the form of an Individual Pre-assessment checklist that is completed by the learner.
Formative assessment:
This type of assessment takes place during the process of delivery of a learning programme. Formative assessment activities are done to prepare the learner for the summative assessment. Formative assessment activities are done in the form of learner activities. These learner activities are done after each unit of the course. Most of the learner activities will take place in groups. Adequate time should be allocated to the learner for the completion of the learner activities. Appropriate feedback should also be given to learners after these activities. The formative assessments are done in the PoE.
Summative assessment:
This is the final assessment against a national Unit Standard and/or Module and/or qualification to determine whether the learner has achieved integrated competence. This assessment is the final judgment about competence.
The assessment process should be cost effective in terms of time and financial cost. For this reason, the summative assessment will be done in the form of a Portfolio of Evidence as well as a knowledge test. The learner should be subjected to both a knowledge test as well as workplace projects.
All evidence collected must be in a real work environment and cannot be simulated or produced without real practical applications as specified in all task instructions.
Purpose and Rationale of the Qualification
This Qualification will enable recipients of this Qualification to facilitate the all-round development of young children in a manner that is sensitive to culture and individual needs (including special needs), and enable them to provide quality early childhood development services for children in a variety of contexts, including community-based services, ECD centres, at home and in institutions. In particular, recipients of this qualification will be able to:
· Plan and prepare for Early Childhood Development.
· Facilitate and monitor the development of babies, toddlers and young children.
· Provide care and support to babies, toddlers and young children. Practitioners will generally carry out their role under supervision and with the support of designed programmes.
This Qualification will provide a means for formal recognition of those who are already practising in the field, but without qualifications, as well as for those who wish to enter the field. This qualification will also provide a basis for further professional development in the higher education and training band for many experienced practitioners in the field who have had limited or difficult access to further career development opportunities.
Purpose of the Unit Standards and Training Programme
These Unit Standards are for people who wish to enter or obtain recognition at an entry level of Early Childhood Development (ECD).
People credited with these Unit Standards are capable of:
· Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of ways of seeing the development of babies, toddlers and young children.
· Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children within each domain of development.
· Providing a safe and healthy environment to prevent and reduce injuries and illness.
· Promoting and maintaining optimal health and nutrition for caregivers and children.
· Promoting the rights of children.
· Managing routines and transitions.
This Skills Programme will enable learners to:
· Provide a safe environment for babies and children, which includes recognition and treatment of illnesses, correct emergency procedures and providing good nutrition
· Have a knowledge of the legal aspects of child care, and the rights and needs of children
· Have a knowledge of development theories and stages of babies and children
· Handle routines and transitions correctly
Learners who wish to enrol for this qualification are assumed to be competent in:
· Communication and Mathematical Literacy at NQF level 3 or equivalent.
· Second language at NQF level 2 or equivalent.
The credit weighting is 18 credits; this adds up to 180 notional hours, these hours are made up of 54 hours theoretical, 63 hours practical and 63 hours’ work place experience
After you have completed the learning experience you will be required to complete a Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) based on the specific outcomes and assessment criteria as indicated in the learner guide.
A registered assessor will assess your portfolios and measure your outcomes. If you are declared competent you will receive the credits and a statement of results from the relevant SETA. If you are declared not yet competent you will have the opportunity to address the gaps that are outlined in the assessor report.
Notional hours include time spent in instruction, individual learning as well as structured learning and assessment.
· A 5 day contact session (including theory and practical application.
· Workplace Experience
· Assessment Preparation
· Evidence prepared in the workplace
· Final Summative Assessment
Formative assessment in the learner guide and PoE
· The leaner needs to work through the applicable section to give evidence on questions;
· Evidence will be discussed during facilitation;
· Self- assessment will take place by learner; and
· Marks will be allocated where appropriate.
Summative assessment in the PoE
Consists of sections, namely:
· Knowledge assignment based on the essential embedded knowledge requirements of both unit standards.
· The summative assessment assignments.
NB for both sections
· To be found competent the learner has to be competent on both sections; and
· If competent, a certificate will be issued and credits will be awarded.
Assessment of competence is a process of making judgments about an individual's competence through matching evidence collected to the appropriate national standards (Unit Standards as well as full Qualifications).
Competence is the ability to perform a specific task, action or function successfully.
Not yet competent in this context means that you are not successful yet and will be given opportunities to remediate in order to address these gaps until you can be declared competent.
You are required to provide evidence of all three levels of competence in the Portfolio of Evidence (PoE). In order to do this, you need to complete all formative and summative assessment activities.
Assessors and moderators need to be registered at the relevant SETAS to assess the Unit Standards and Qualifications being assessed.
Model answers and assessment guidelines are provided for all assessment activities to ensure fairness.
Ideally, formative assessments should minimise the need for re-assessment as the assessor and the candidate will agree to a summative assessment only when they both feel the candidate is ready.
However, candidates who are deemed not yet competent on a summative assessment will be allowed to be re-assessed in terms of the contract between FUTURE FAMILIES and the particular client. A 100% competency is the ideal.
Just a reminder: The quality of evidence will be measured in terms of the VARCS principles.
V |
Validity |
Does your evidence prove what it is supposed to prove? |
A |
Authenticity |
Can you prove that it is your own work? |
R |
Reliability |
If another assessor assesses your evidence, will s/he make the same judgment, i.e. Competent or Not Yet Competent? |
C |
Currency |
If you added historical evidence to your PoE, is this evidence still current (Not older than three years)? |
S |
Sufficiency |
Is there enough evidence for the assessor to make a judgment of Competent or Not Yet Competent? |
NB: Use the evidence checklist provided in Section 7 of the PoE to ensure that your evidence meets the VARCS principles.
When learners have to be re-assessed, the following conditions will apply:
· Specific feedback will be given so that learners can focus on only those areas in which they were assessed as not yet competent
· Re-assessment will take place in the same situation or context and under the same conditions as the original assessment
· Only the specific outcomes that were not achieved will be re-assessed
According to FUTURE FAMILIES’s policy, the learner will be granted two (2) re-assessments and thereafter the learner will be advised to redo the programme. Learners who are repeatedly unsuccessful will be given guidance on other possible and more suitable learning avenues.
The portfolio of evidence (PoE)
The PoE is divided into seven sections.
Section 1 – Administrative detail
This contains administrative detail. This section would therefore provide evidence related to the learner; their personal detail, experience as well as the unit standard the learner will be assessed against.
Section 2 – Assessment planning
In order for assessments to meet all the assessment principles, you need to be prepared for the assessment. Therefore, Section 2 of the PoE will contain evidence of the FUTURE FAMILIES assessor’s planning and preparation for the assessment and your involvement as a candidate in the planning and preparation stage. The evidence generated here promotes open and fair assessments.
Section 3 – Assessment design matrix
It is essential that the assessment relates to all the outcomes of the unit standard and therefore the assessment design matrix in Section 3 provides both the assessor and the candidate with an analysis of the outcomes, criteria, evidence and methods to be used during the assessment.
Section 4 – Formative assessment activities
The formative assessment activities typically contain individual pieces of evidence generated during contact sessions in the classroom or homework activities.
The formative activities will be completed and assessed during the workshop. Assessment guidelines for the activities will be found in this section of the Assessment guide. |
Section 5 – summative assessment - Knowledge questionnaires
The knowledge questionnaire assesses your knowledge, understanding and interpretation of the outcomes of the unit standard.
Section 6 – Summative assessment – Workplace assignments
The summative assessment activities require you to integrate newly learnt knowledge and skills after significant sections of the work have been completed.
Apart from the evidence you have generated during the workplace assignments, you are also required to include relevant workplace policies and procedures in the PoE to enable the assessor and moderator to determine whether or not activities have been carried out in accordance with workplace standards.
The purpose of the learning programme and assessment is not only to declare you competent against the qualification, but to ensure improved efficiency and effectiveness in the workplace.
The evidence is generated over a period of time and comes from different sources to ensure sufficiency.
All assessment activities are linked to assessment criteria, specific outcomes and Unit Standards.
Always work in black ink and remediate in blue ink. Never use correction fluid, rather delete with a single line. Never work in pencil.
Section 7 – Feedback
This section contains the evidence checklist which will be used by you, the assessor and the moderator to judge the evidence on VARCS principles, the FUTURE FAMILIES assessment report with feedback on your performance against the outcomes and criteria. You will also be required to give feedback to the assessor.
You will be awarded all the credits of unit standards completed successfully. You should note however that the assessment will go through a quality assurance process that will involve moderation and verification by the relevant ETQA.
The assessment guide is a document that provides the assessor with a variety of assessment tasks, activities and sources of evidence that can be used during the assessment process.
The assessment instruments contained in the PoE have been designed to cover all the specific outcomes and associated assessment criteria and range statements, along with the critical cross-field, development outcomes and essential embedded knowledge.
You will be assessed by means of the following methods:
Questioning: Knowledge assignments are included in the assessment. The assessor may also supplement the evidence in your POE with oral questioning.
Product evaluation: All the documented evidence in your POE will be assessed.
Furthermore, observations of your demonstration of your facilitation skills will take place in the workshop environment and evidence of this will be included in the Formative assessment section of your Portfolio of Evidence.
The right of the candidate to appeal against assessment decisions or practices they regard as unfair. An Appeals and Disputes procedure is in place and communicated to all assessment candidates prior to assessment in order for them to appeal on the basis of the following criteria:
· Unfair assessment
· Invalid assessment
· Unreliable assessment
· Unethical practices
· Inadequate expertise and experience of the assessor
Appeals have to be lodged in writing and submitted to FUTURE FAMILIES. The moderator will consider the appeal and make a decision regarding the granting of a re-assessment. The learner will be informed about the appeal outcome within specified days as stipulated in FUTURE FAMILIES’s policies and procedures. Please see a diagrammatic representation of the Appeals process in Section 1.
Learners may appeal should they feel dissatisfied with the process. If the learner is of the opinion that an unfair assessment was conducted they may appeal, following the following steps:
Step |
Description |
Step 1 |
Request the assessor to justify the outcome of the assessment and to reconsider it in accordance with this procedure. |
Step 2 |
If still dissatisfied, lodge a formal appeal to the FUTURE FAMILIES. This appeal need to be submitted in writing and handed to the moderator within three working days of having received the assessment result(s). |
Step 3 |
Once informed of the moderation outcome and the learner is still dissatisfied with the outcome the learner may request an external moderator / verifier to review the assessment outcome. This request must be submitted to management within 3 working days of having received the moderation result. The verification process is final and the learner will be informed in writing of the final outcome, as soon as a result is known. |
The learner may consult the ETQA of the relevant SETA. If the external moderator / verifier upholds or rule in favour of the learner the learner will be held liable for any cost of external verification. |
Section 1: Administrative Detail
· Learner Information
· Special Instructions Pertaining This Unit Standard
· Overview
· Assessment Information
· Declaration Of Authenticity
· Unit Standards
Completion of this a requirement of the National Learner Record Database (NLRD). Please complete in full.
Learner Information |
Personal Details |
Last Name |
Previous Name (if changed) |
First Name |
Middle Name |
Title (Mr/Mrs, etc.) |
ID No. |
Learners must please submit a certified copy of their ID |
Alternative ID Type (please tick box) |
521 – SAQA Member ID £ |
527 – Passport £ |
529 – Driver’s Licence £ |
531 – Temporary ID £ |
533 – None £ |
535 – Unknown £ |
537 – Student Number £ |
538 – Work Permit £ |
539 – Employee No. £ |
540 – Birth Cert. £ |
541 – HSRC Register £ |
561 – ETQA Record £ |
Alternative ID No. |
Date Birth |
Nationality (please tick box) |
Unspecified – U £ |
South Africa – SA £ |
Namibia – NAM £ |
Botswana – BOT £ |
Zimbabwe – ZIM £ |
Angola – ANG £ |
Mozambique – MOZ £ |
Lesotho – LES £ |
Swaziland – SWA £ |
Malawi – MAL £ |
Zambia – ZAM £ |
Mauritius – MAU £ |
Tanzania – TAN £ |
Seychelles – SEY £ |
Zaire – ZAI £ |
Rest of Africa – ROA £ |
Europe – EUR £ |
Central and South America – SOU £ |
Australia and New Zealand – AUS £ |
Other and rest of Oceania – OOC £ |
Citizen Resident Status (please tick box) |
Unknown – U £ |
South Africa – SA £ |
Other – O £ |
Dual (SA plus Other) – D £ |
Gender (please tick box) |
Male – M £ Female – F £ |
Equity (please tick box) |
BA – Black African £ |
BC – Black Coloured £ |
BI – Black Indian £ |
U – Unknown £ |
WH – White £ |
Home Language (please tick box) |
£ Afr – Afrikaans £ Ara – Arabic £ Bul – Bulgarian £ Chi – Chinese £ Dan – Danish £ Dut – Dutch |
£ Eng – English £ Fre – French £ Ger – German £ Gre – Greek £ Heb – Hebrew £ Hin – Hindi |
£ Ita – Italian £ Mas – Masai £ Nde – isiNdebele £ Oth – Other £ Pol – Polish £ Por – Portuguese |
£ Rus – Russian £ Sep – sePedi £ Ses – seSotho £ Set – seTswana £ Shl – Swahili £ Sho – Shona |
£ Spa – Spanish £ Swa – siSwati £ Swe – Swedish £ Tsh – tshiVenda £ U – Unknow £ Urd – Urdu |
£ Xho – isiXhosa £ Xit – xiTshonga £ Zul – isiZulu |
Disability Status (please tick box) |
£ N – None £ 01 – Sight |
£ 02 – Hearing £ 03 – Communication |
£ 04 – Physical £ 05 – Intellectual |
£ 06 – Emotional £ 07 – Multiple |
£ 08 – Unspecified £ U – Status Unknown |
Socio-Economic Status (please tick box) |
£ U – Unspecified £ 01 – Employed |
£ 02 – Unemployed £ 04 – Homemaker |
£ 06 – Student £ 07 – Retired |
£ 08 – Unemployed - Disabled |
Learner Information |
Any other special needs we must be aware of? |
Contact Details |
Tel No. (H) |
Tel No. (W) |
Cell No. |
Fax No. |
Physical Address |
Code |
Postal Address |
Code |
Centre / Municipality |
Province |
£ 0 – Undefined £ 1 – Western Cape £ 2 – Eastern Cape |
£ 3 – Northern Cape £ 4 – Free State £ 5 – Kwazulu-Natal |
£ 6 – North West £ 7 – Gauteng £ 8 – Mpumalanga |
£ 9 – Limpopo |
£ N – SA National (Province not specified) £ X – Outside SA |
Please insert a certified copy of your ID document after this page.
(If you fail to comply with this requirement your PoE will be returned to you. Without a certified copy of your ID document your assessment results cannot be added to the National Learner Record Database).
Please insert a copy of your CV after this page
Fill in the template provided
(Only include information that is relevant to the unit standard that is being assessed)
To be completed by those who have not included a CV
Personal Information and Contact Details |
Surname |
First Name |
Organisation |
Job / Role Title |
Home Language |
Date of Birth |
ID Number |
Contact Numbers |
Work |
Home |
Cell |
Email Address |
Postal Address |
*Tick the appropriate box:
Gender |
Male |
Female |
Race |
African |
Coloured |
Indian / Asian |
White |
Employment |
Permanent |
Non-permanent |
Disability |
Yes |
No |
Academic Background |
Qualification |
Institution |
Subjects |
Date Completed |
*Please attach a copy of your highest certificate
Academic Background |
Qualification |
Institution |
Subjects |
Date Completed |
Qualification |
Institution |
Subjects |
Date Completed |
Qualification |
Institution |
Subjects |
Date Completed |
Qualification |
Institution |
Subjects |
Date Completed |
Learner Employment History |
Organisation |
Position |
Period |
Responsibilities |
Reported to |
References |
Signature |
Date |
Please insert certified national or any relevant qualifications after this page.
Grade 11 report or matric certificate
Any other ECD related certificates
![]() |
Special Instructions Pertaining to Unit Standard
Credits |
NQF Level |
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children |
244484 |
8 |
4 |
Provide care for babies, toddlers and young children |
244469 |
10 |
4 |
All sections need to be completed to be found competent
The following information is to be taken note of when completing this portfolio:
· No Tippex or correction fluid, correction tape may be used.
· Each page is to be initialled to prove authenticity
· Where comments are asked for these need to be completed in full (N/A or no comment is not acceptable). Remember, the assessor and moderator are not there to observe your every step, so your comments serve as evidence of your knowledge, skills, understanding and attitude. The comments also ensure that the assessor has sufficient evidence to make an assessment decision.
· Where templates are given you may use these or you may use your company templates (if available).
I, ________________________________, hereby declare that this PoE consists mainly of my own work. I confirm that most of the work has been developed and compiled by me in the pursuit of proving my competence. In some instances, in part or in full, some work may have been created through group work, but in this I was a dedicated participant and deserved the right to use this as evidence.
I hereby affirm that I have, to the best of my understanding, not transgressed any copyright violations. Where I have used any information or documentation that is not my own, I have acknowledged this in the appropriate way in the appropriate space.
I declare that I have read every page contained in the portfolio of evidence.
I hereby declare that I have used the following documents as, or used it to create evidence:
Document/Evidence |
Purpose |
Copyright holder |
Evacuation plan |
Assignment A addendum B |
Nursery schools name |
Humpty Dumpty song |
Assignment A addendum B supporting evidence | |
Last Name |
First Name |
Title |
ID. No. |
Signature |
Date |
Last Name |
First Name |
Title |
Reg. No. |
Signature |
Date |
The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI) regulates how personal information is managed, stored, updated, used and given to a 3rd party. What impact does this have on you the learner.
'Personal Information' is defined and includes (but not limited to) -
1. Demographic information about the individual (e.g. Race / Nationality / Ethnic group / Social origin / colour; Gender; Pregnancy; Marital status; Sexual Orientation; Age; Physical or mental health / well-being / disability; Religion / conscience / believes; Culture / Languages; Birthdate);
2. Education, medical, criminal, employment or financial history;
3. Identification Number (ID Number);
4. Email address, telephone number, cell phone number;
5. Physical address, location information, online identifier/information;
6. Biometric Information;
7. Personal opinions, views or preferences;
8. Explicitly or implicitly private or confidential correspondence;
9. Views of other people about the individual;
10. Tile individual's name if it appears together with other personal information about the individual or if the name would reveal information about the individual.
The POPI Act specifies eight (8) conditions that must all be complied with for any processing,
administration or dissemination to be legally compliant. These eight conditions are listed below -
1. Accountability.
2. Processing Limitations (various criteria for legal processing).
3. Purpose specific (the data must be held for a purpose).
4. Further processing limitation (data can only be used for its purpose and not beyond that).
5. Information quality (the data must be accurate).
6. Openness (individual must be informed, processes must be transparent).
7. Security safeguards (reasonable steps to keep the information secure must be taken).
8. Data subject participation (individual can request / discuss information with Future Families Enterprises).
As a learner of Future Families Enterprises programmes, the POPI Act has placed the above conditions on Future Families Enterprises, when we process and store your personal information along with our third party service provider(s) complies with the POPI Act 100 in that our primary obligation is to take reasonable technical and operational steps to secure your personal information and our electronic environment. We also undertake to never sell or share any information with any other company, user and/or third party unless obliged to do so by law or legal process.
Future Families Enterprises requires your permission to use and store your personal information during the training process. Your personal information will be collected, captured and/ or stored on various documents used by Future Families Enterprises such as but not limited to the Section 1 to 7 of the Portfolio of Evidence, SETA Reports.
Your personal information will be used to ultimately process your certificate, should you meet the qualifying criteria and may need to be shared with our accreditation bodies such as the Department of Labour and the relevant SETA/ ETQA.
All hard copies of the above documentation will be stored in the applicable course file at our registered offices. Electronic copies will be stored on Future Families Enterprises secured computer network. After five years from the end of course date, it will then be destroyed in accordance with Future Families Enterprises policy.
I, the undersigned confirms that Future Families Enterprises may host my personal information on record for training processing and/or activities and that my information can be submitted to other third parties involved with the training processing and/or activities as explained in this document. I am happy for Future Families Enterprises to use my photo and comments for marketing on various social media platforms.
Signature: ______________________ Date: _____________________
All qualifications and
part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are
public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service
and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the
material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority
(SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children
244484 |
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children |
SGB Early Childhood Development |
- |
Field 05 - Education, Training and Development |
Early Childhood Development |
Undefined |
Regular |
Level 4 |
NQF Level 04 |
8 |
Reregistered |
2015-07-01 |
2018-06-30 |
SAQA 10105/14 |
2019-06-30 |
2022-06-30 |
In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.
This unit standard replaces:
Unit Standard Title |
Pre-2009 NQF Level |
NQF Level |
Credits |
Replacement Status |
3850 |
Facilitate active learning in ECD programmes |
Level 4 |
NQF Level 04 |
30 |
Complete |
13851 |
Facilitate healthy development in ECD programmes |
Level 4 |
NQF Level 04 |
14 |
Complete |
12835 |
Facilitate the learning and development of babies (0-24 months) in ECD settings |
Level 3 |
NQF Level 03 |
12 |
Complete |
12836 |
Facilitate the learning and development of toddlers (18-36 months) in ECD settings |
Level 3 |
NQF Level 03 |
12 |
Complete |
7405 |
Facilitating Creative Art Activities in ECD Programmes |
Level 3 |
NQF Level 03 |
8 |
Complete |
7404 |
Facilitating Language Development Bilingual/Multilingual ECD Programmes |
Level 3 |
NQF Level 03 |
8 |
Complete |
7402 |
Facilitating Learning Through Play |
Level 2 |
NQF Level 02 |
12 |
Complete |
7403 |
Facilitating Learning Through Stories, Songs and Rhymes |
Level 3 |
NQF Level 03 |
8 |
Complete |
12840 |
Include children experiencing barriers to learning and development in ECD settings |
Level 3 |
NQF Level 03 |
12 |
Complete |
This Unit Standard is for people who wish to enter or obtain recognition at an entry level of Early Childhood Development (ECD).
People credited with this Unit Standard are capable of:
· Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of ways of seeing the development of babies, toddlers and young children.
· Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children within each domain of development.
It is assumed that learners are competent in Communication at NQF Level 3.
The term "established theories or literature" refers to theories recognised within the field, as well as established indigenous theories.
Knowledge and understanding of child development is to be informed by own experiences as a child, own experiences with children, and recognisable "theories" e.g. socio-cultural, behavioural, neuroscience, maturation, attachment and/or theorists e.g. Piaget, Vygotsky, Freud, Erikson, Bandura, Skinner, Ainsworth and Mahler, etc.
Although the stages referred to in this Unit Standard are not intended to be rigid, we might identify the following stages, with broad overlapping margins as follows:
· Pre-birth.
· Young babies.
· Mobile babies.
· 12 months - 30 months.
· 30 months - 5 years.
· 6 years - 9 years.
"Domain" refers to:
· Physical includes gross-motor and fine-motor development, health and nutritional status.
· Cognitive and language development includes perceiving, remembering, conceiving, judging, reasoning, creativity.
· Socio-emotional development includes attitudes, personal and social identity, autonomy, attachment, self concept, self esteem, feelings, self-control and relationships with others.
"Special needs" could be in a variety of areas such as physical, social, psychological, environmental, gifted, disadvantaged, circumstances.
Specific Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of ways of seeing the development of babies, toddlers and young children.
Own views about the meaning and use of key terms are compared to the views of others, showing how such views influence our ways of seeing and working with children.
Key terms include but are not limited to childhood, development, teaching, well-being, ubuntu and rights, etc.
"Views of others" refers to those in the immediate environment as well as a more global or international view.
Different ways of seeing the development of young children are compared to highlight key similarities and differences in the theories.
Comparison should include at least two theories and own observations.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children within each domain of development.
Stages in the development of children in each domain are described in line with existing theories.
Reference to existing theories is to be limited to key findings of theorists in relation to own observations of child development.
Factors that enable the development of children in each domain are identified in line with relevant existing theories.
Explanations of how gender, socio-economic background, age, environment and special needs impact on the development of children in each domain are consistent with established theories or literature and the principles of inclusion and anti-bias.
Descriptions are provided to show how development is shaped by socio-cultural influences.
Socio-cultural influences refers to beliefs, values and practices; inter-personal relationships; and relationships with the environment.
Descriptions are provided to show how development within each domain is linked to and affected by development in other domains.
· This Unit Standard will be assessed by an assessor and moderated by a moderator, registered with the relevant accredited ETQA responsible for the quality assurance of this Unit Standard.
· Any institution offering learning that will enable achievement of this Unit Standard must be accredited as a provider through the appropriate quality assuring ETQA, or Learning Programme approval with an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the quality assuring ETQA.
· Verification (external moderation) of assessment and moderation by the provider, will be conducted by the relevant quality assuring ETQA according to the moderation guidelines in the relevant Qualification and the agreed ETQA policy and procedures.
· An individual wishing to be assessed through RPL against this Unit Standard, may apply to an assessment agency or provider institution accredited by the relevant quality assuring ETQA, or by an ETQA that has a formal agreement/accreditation with the relevant quality assuring ETQA.
The following areas of knowledge are embedded within the Unit Standard, and will be assessed directly via assessment of the specific outcomes in terms of the given assessment criteria:
· Theories of child development.
· Domains of development.
Critical Cross-field Outcomes (CCFO):
Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information in relation to the progress of children in relation to understanding of child development.
Communicate effectively using visual and/or language skills when explaining and describing child development.
Understand the world as a set of inter-related parts of a system, thus explaining the factors that impact on child development.
As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this unit standard was Reregistered in 2012; 2015.
This Unit Standard replaces the following Unit Standards:
7402: "Facilitating Learning Through Play", Level 2, 12 credits.
7403: "Facilitating Learning Through Stories, Songs and Rhymes", Level 3, 8 credits.
7404: "Facilitating Language Development Bilingual/Multilingual ECD Programmes", Level 3, 8 credits.
7405: "Facilitating Creative Art Activities in ECD Programmes", Level 3, 8 credits.
12835: "Facilitate the learning and development of babies (0-24 months) in ECD settings", Level 3, 12 credits.
12836: "Facilitate the learning and development of toddlers (18-36 months) in ECD settings", Level 3, 12 credits.
12840: "Include children experiencing barriers to learning and development in ECD settings", Level 3, 12 credits.
13850: "Facilitate active learning in ECD programmes", Level 3, 30 credits.
13851: "Facilitate healthy development in ECD programmes", Level 4, 14 credits.
See Unit Standard 244469
All qualifications and
part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are
public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service
and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the
material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority
(SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.
Provide care for babies, toddlers and young children
244469 |
Provide care for babies, toddlers and young children |
SGB Early Childhood Development |
- |
Field 05 - Education, Training and Development |
Early Childhood Development |
Undefined |
Regular |
Level 4 |
NQF Level 04 |
10 |
Reregistered |
2015-07-01 |
2018-06-30 |
SAQA 10105/14 |
2019-06-30 |
2022-06-30 |
In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.
This unit standard replaces:
Unit Standard Title |
Pre-2009 NQF Level |
NQF Level |
Credits |
Replacement Status |
9967 |
Erect, use and dismantle access equipment |
Level 3 |
NQF Level 03 |
6 |
Complete |
People credited with this Unit Standard are capable of:
· Providing a safe and healthy environment to prevent and reduce injuries and illness.
· Promoting and maintaining optimal health and nutrition for caregivers and children.
· Promoting the rights of children.
· Managing routines and transitions.
It is assumed that learners are competent in Communication at NQF Level 3 or equivalent.
"Care" refers to nutrition, safety and health.
The learner must demonstrate practical care for either babies/toddlers or young children, and explain how they would have approached it differently had they been working with the other age-group e.g. there are differences in safety issues for babies as opposed to older children; as well as differences in safety issues for individuals versus groups.
Specific Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:
Provide a safe and healthy environment to prevent and reduce injuries and illness.
Legal implications of providing responsible care are identified, with particular reference to public liability issues and related responsibilities of care-givers.
Recorded history of monitoring and reporting.
Environmental hazards are identified and explained in terms of their potential impact on the safety of children.
Identification of potential indoor and outdoor health and safety hazards within each of the following categories:
Burns; cuts and lacerations; unprotected water sources; poisoning, choking and strangulation; falls; electricity; traffic issues, animals.
Environmental hazards are identified and explained in terms of their potential impact on the health of children.
Hazards include but are not limited to polluted water sources, poisoning (including lead), radiation (cell phone masts), animals, parasites (worms), food deprivation, food contamination, medicines.
Strategies for preventing and/or correcting safety hazards in the environment are identified and implemented, thus ensuring a safe environment as per the ages and stages of the children.
Strategies for preventing and/or correcting health hazards in the environment are identified and implemented, thus ensuring a safe environment as per the ages and stages of the children.
Ensuring prevention according to categories of disease transmission.
Categories of disease transmission include oral-faecal, blood, respiratory (air borne), contact, etc.
Written Health & Safety records are maintained to accurately reflect strategies and actions taken.
Contact lists of available emergency services and parents/guardians are accurate and easily accessible.
Emergency plans, procedures and equipment are ensured to be available, appropriate to the given emergencies, and can be understood by all the adults and children.
Emergency plans for fire, public violence, natural disasters.
Supervision of children is appropriate to their developmental level and the degree of potential risk involved.
Supervision of children within the scope of hearing or vision, indoor, outdoor and outing supervision.
Promote and maintain optimal health and nutrition for caregivers and children.
Health and nutrition includes but is not limited to feeding, growth monitoring, training, making a menu, food gardens, isolating children with infections, monitoring children, carrying out health checks, taking universal precautions.
Child health is monitored and instruments are correctly interpreted and integrated into practice.
Health monitoring instruments refer to the "Road to Health Card" which is held by the family.
Awareness and implementation of Workplace Health Policies and Guidelines is explained in terms of maintaining staff health.
Maintenance of health includes but is not limited to immunization, back-care- lifting heavy objects, HIV and AIDS, exclusion due to specific illnesses.
Common childhood diseases and infections are described in terms of their symptoms and transmission, as well as possible effects on individuals and/or groups.
· Disease include acute and chronic illnesses.
· Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI).
· Childhood disease symptoms include but is not limited to rashes (including genitalia), elevated temperature, unusual irritability, lethargy, prolonged loss of appetite, diarrhoea, coughing and nasal/other discharges, respiratory rates, sores that will not heal; multiple skin eruptions, swollen glands and sore throat, ear-ache.
Responses to illness are appropriate to the nature of the illness. Children presenting symptoms of common infectious diseases are referred to qualified Health Practitioners.
Notifiable diseases are reported by Health Practitioners to the Department of Health (DoH).
Actions and communication responding to the holistic needs of children are dealt with in a non-discriminatory and confidential manner, taking into consideration the child's socio-cultural context.
Responses to injuries and emergencies are appropriate to the given situation and in line with emergency procedures and first aid practice. Conditions outside of scope of competence are referred to the appropriate authorities without delay.
Injuries and emergencies include but are not limited to seizures, asthmatic attacks, minor injuries, fractures, choking, biting, burns, universal precautions.
Records reflect up-to-date and accurate accounts of health history, regular checks and monitoring activities, medications, actions taken, accidents and incidents.
Records are recorded on an incident report form, log book or daily journal as required.
Medication is administered only with written consent from parent/guardian and in line with instructions. Consequences of incorrect application of medicines are described with reference to the wellbeing of the child, and possible legal consequences of negligence.
Control includes but is not limited to maintenance of health records, scheduled administration of medicines, secure storage of medicines.
General precautions are identified and applied consistently to promote general health and welfare of children and adults.
Precautions include but are not limited to clean and appropriate clothing; balanced nutrition; personal hygiene routines, Universal precautions.
Nutritional needs of children are provided for in relation to their age, special dietary requirements and cultural preferences, while ensuring balanced meals.
The nutritional needs could be provided for in a number of ways, for example by providing guidance to parents on menus, by arranging meals where possible or applicable, or by preparing food. Practitioners will have access to nutrition guidelines.
Nutrition advice and guidelines provided to children and adults promotes good nutrition and serves to encourage them to promote their own good health.
Promote and protect the rights of children.
The following documents provide a basis for this outcome:
International conventions: United Nations Convention on Rights and Welfare of the Child; African Charter on Rights of the Child, current Children's legislation including regulations; Child Care Act and Regulations; South Africa Constitution 1996, Department of Social Development minimum norms and standards for Early Childhood Development Services, Manifesto on Values, Education and Democracy.
Education provided to children concerning child rights is consistent with current legislation and regulations and is appropriate for the stage of development of the children.
Violations of child rights are correctly identified and reported according to given procedures.
Child monitoring is provided continuously and is sufficient to promote the safety of children.
Safety includes but is not limited to keeping strangers out, controlling who takes children home, not leaving children outside centre unsupervised, making sure children are not locked into centres, and where appropriate, the transportation of children.
Opportunities are used to educate parents about ways of protecting children.
Education includes understanding the rights of the child.
Manage routines and transitions.
Routines refer to arrival, departure, meals, toilet, resting, house-keeping (washing, cleaning up, putting away, tidying up), sleeping, and self-help skills according to ages and stages.
Transitions refer to shifting or moving from activity to activity, from location to location, or from person to person.
Routines are sufficiently flexible to cater for the individual needs of children.
Routines implemented are sensitive to individual needs and are consistent with child rights.
Routines and transitions extend learning and are managed in a way that promotes independence, participation and an understanding of the days progress/sequence.
Routines and transitions are managed in a way that builds relationships and trust between children and between children and adults.
Routines are managed at a level that is appropriate for the level of development of the different children.
Routines are integrated as far as possible into activities, with sufficient opportunity for children to obtain a feeling of competence.
Information on babies, toddlers and young children is recorded on a daily basis.
Information includes but is not limited to sleeping, feeding, elimination (nappies & potties).
· This Unit Standard will be assessed by an assessor and moderated by a moderator, registered with the relevant accredited ETQA responsible for the quality assurance of this Unit Standard.
· Any institution offering learning that will enable achievement of this Unit Standard must be accredited as a provider through the appropriate quality assuring ETQA, or Learning Programme approval with an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the quality assuring ETQA.
· Verification (external moderation) of assessment and moderation by the provider, will be conducted by the relevant quality assuring ETQA according to the moderation guidelines in the relevant Qualification and the agreed ETQA policy and procedures.
· An individual wishing to be assessed through RPL against this Unit Standard, may apply to an assessment agency or provider institution accredited by the relevant quality assuring ETQA, or by an ETQA that has a formal agreement/accreditation with the relevant quality assuring ETQA.
The following areas of knowledge are embedded within the Unit Standard, and will be assessed directly via assessment of the specific outcomes in terms of the given assessment criteria:
· Childhood illnesses.
· Nutrition.
· Rights of Children.
· Policy and legislation related to health, safety and hygiene.
· Awareness of public liability.
Critical Cross-field Outcomes (CCFO):
Identify and solve problems related to health, hygiene and safety.
Organise and manage oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively in the promotion of safety, health and hygiene and the prevention of illness.
Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information regarding child illnesses and issues related to the safety and hygiene of the environment.
Communicate effectively with children, adults and health practitioners regarding health, hygiene and safety.
As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this unit standard was Reregistered in 2012; 2015.
Activities - refer to the active involvement of babies, toddlers and young children with a range of resources, materials and actions that contribute towards their development. This includes routine-based and play-based activities.
Babies, toddlers and young children:
· Babies - refers to an approximate range of 0-12 months, taking into account individual variations in development.
· Toddlers - refers to an approximate range of 12-30 months, taking into account individual variations in development.
· Young children - refers to an approximate range of 30 months to 5 years old, taking into account individual variations in development.
Developmentally appropriate although it is accepted that there are multiple and contested ways in which the term may be used and understood, at its heart, "developmentally appropriate" is intended to convey the sense that children do develop in recognisable ways, even if at different rates and in line with different models of development. Hence, we may speak of something being developmentally appropriate if it meets the developmental needs of babies, toddlers and young children, supported by justifiable theories will inform the programme.
Early Childhood Development (ECD) Service - the care, facilitation, observation, reporting and working with families and others in a variety of settings for the development of babies, toddlers and young children.
Early Childhood Development (ECD) Settings - to any place where a child is or children are, including but not limited to Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres, institutions such as prisons and hospitals, and at home.
Facilitate - means the use of a range of activities, all of which combine in various ways to contribute to the holistic development of babies, toddlers and young children.
Framework - guidelines to outline the range of Early Childhood Development (ECD) services, programmes and legal, health and social practices.
Inclusion - the inclusion of all children including those with special needs.
Programme - refers to the routines or schedules that spell out the sequence of daily and weekly events. The schedules may be very loose or highly structured depending on context and preference.
Icons are pictures and their purpose in this learner guide is to help to you to remember certain aspects and keep you informed about what you are doing in terms of where you are.
Learning Outcomes |
The learning outcomes icon indicates the various outcomes that are required to be achieved whether in the learner guide or the PoE. |
Formative Assessment |
The assessment criteria icon indicates how to measure your knowledge and skills as a formative assessment. These assessments will be completed during the contact sessions. Completing these well will assist you with your summative assessment. |
Summative Assessment |
The summative assessment icon indicates to you the assessments that you would be required to submit in your Portfolio of Evidence (PoE). |
Additional Information |
The additional information icon indicates to you additional information related to the learning. |
Take Note |
Important information and definitions. |
The Law |
References to specific legislation. |
Notes |
Blank space where you can make some notes. |
Remember |
Important facts to remember. |
Group Discussion |
This icon indicates when a group discussion should take place. |
Activity |
This icon indicates an activity that takes place in class. |
Section 2: Assessment Planning
· Pre-Assessment Meeting Minutes
· Learner/Assessor Agreement
· Learner Declaration – Readiness for Assessment
· Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Pre-Assessment Meeting Minutes
Items discussed in the Meeting |
Actions / decisions taken |
All learners welcomed and put at ease |
Minutes of the meeting placed in each PoE. Programme opening and welcome completed Programme overview described and demonstrated |
The purpose of the meeting is explained |
The NQF outcomes based training is discussed and explained SAQA is explained SETA is explained |
Necessity of cost effectiveness is stressed |
Produce a cost effective course and assessment Learners need to be on time |
What is to be assessed |
NQF system is explained and the relevance to the programme is discussed. The unit standard is discussed CCFO’s, EEK etc.) |
Proving competence |
The assessment plan Evidence needed Where evidence will be collected from The assessment methods The assessment tools that will be used How judgments will be made How to demonstrate competence |
Feedback |
Time, date confidentiality Feedback for formative assessments will be done in group sessions, allowing for learners to learner from each other Not yet competent learners will have the opportunity to have a one-on-one to find out where the short comings are Feedback for the summative will be done in writing to meet the requirement of confidentiality. |
Assessment arrangements |
Assessor’s name Maintain confidentiality during the assessment Date of assessment – submission of Portfolio Safety of the assessment Special needs of the learners taken into account Barriers to be addressed – language etc Resources that are required Organizational requirements Assessment policy and procedures available for the learner Arrangements for moderation Possible contingencies |
Right to appeal the findings of the assessor |
Grounds for lodging an appeal The appeals procedure Documentations to be used Role of the moderator |
Readiness for Assessments |
What would be expected of the learner to be ready to be assessed |
Irregularities |
What are the irregularities Action that will be taken as a result of irregularities |
Comment by learner
I understand or its has been explained
Last Name |
First Name |
Title |
ID No. |
Signature |
Date |
Last Name |
First Name |
Title |
Reg. No. |
Signature |
Date |
Last Name |
First Name |
Title |
Reg. No. |
Signature |
Date |
US Title |
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children |
244484 |
Level |
4 |
Credits |
8 |
Outcomes to be Assessed |
Specific Outcomes |
SO1 |
Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of ways of seeing the development of babies, toddlers and young children. |
SO2 |
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children within each domain of development |
Theories of child development.
Domains of development. |
Collecting |
Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information in relation to the progress of children in relation to understanding of child development. |
Communicating |
Communicate effectively using visual and/or language skills when explaining and describing child development |
Demonstrating |
Understand the world as a set of inter-related parts of a system, thus explaining the factors that impact on child development |
Assessment Process |
Plan & Prepare Assessment |
Conduct Assessment |
Provide Feedback |
Review |
During Workshop |
During Workshop and on Submission of PoE (Submission within 8 weeks) |
Within 20 working days of submission |
Assessor will review after feedback from learners |
Assessment Methods, Tools, Evidence and Dates |
Methods |
Tools |
Evidence |
Formative |
· Oral/written questioning · Observation · Product evaluation |
· Formative assessment activities in PoE · Observation Checklists |
· Completed Activities (oral and written) · Observation checklists · Completed PoE |
Summative |
· Written Questioning · Workplace assignment · Observation · Product evaluation |
· Summative Written Knowledge Questionnaire · Observation checklists |
· Completed Knowledge questionnaire · Observation checklists · Completed workplace assignments |
Special Needs/Barriers |
none |
Resources Required |
· Learner Guide · Assessor Guide · PoE · Unit Standard · Role players · Other – Please Indicate: |
Signature |
Date |
Last Name |
First Name |
Title |
Reg. No. |
Signature |
Date |
Last Name |
First Name |
Title |
Reg. No. |
Signature |
Date |
US Title |
Provide care for babies, toddlers and young children |
244469 |
Level |
4 |
Credits |
10 |
Outcomes to be Assessed |
Specific Outcomes |
SO1 |
Providing a safe and healthy environment to prevent and reduce injuries and illness. |
SO2 |
Promoting and maintaining optimal health and nutrition for caregivers and children. |
SO3 |
Promoting the rights of children. |
SO4 |
Managing routines and transitions. |
Childhood illnesses. |
Nutrition |
Rights of Children |
Policy and legislation related to health, safety and hygiene |
Awareness of public liability |
Identifying |
Identify and solve problems related to health, hygiene and safety. |
Organising |
Organise and manage oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively in the promotion of safety, health
Collecting |
Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information regarding child illnesses and issues related to the safety and hygiene of the environment. |
Communicating |
Communicate effectively with children, adults and health practitioners regarding health, hygiene and safety. |
Assessment Process |
Plan & Prepare Assessment |
Conduct Assessment |
Provide Feedback |
Review |
During Workshop |
During Workshop and on Submission of PoE (Submission within 8 weeks) |
Within 20 working days of submission |
Assessor will review after feedback from learners |
Assessment Methods, Tools, Evidence and Dates |
Methods |
Tools |
Evidence |
Formative |
· Oral/written questioning · Observation · Product evaluation |
· Formative assessment activities in PoE · Observation Checklists |
· Completed Activities (oral and written) · Observation checklists · Completed PoE |
Summative |
· Written Questioning · Workplace assignment · Observation · Product evaluation |
· Summative Written Knowledge Questionnaire · Observation checklists |
· Completed Knowledge questionnaire · Observation checklists · Completed workplace assignments |
Special Needs/Barriers |
Resources Required |
· Learner Guide · Assessor Guide · PoE · Unit Standard · Role players · Other – Please Indicate: |
Signature |
Date |
Last Name |
First Name |
Title |
Reg. No. |
Signature |
Date |
Last Name |
First Name |
Title |
Reg. No. |
Signature |
Date |
Learner Declaration
Learner Name: |
ID Number: |
Assessor Name: |
Assessment date: |
Learning barriers / special requirements: |
Criteria |
My assessor has |
Yes |
No |
Afforded the opportunity to RPL. |
Explained the purpose of the assessment. |
Clarified my expectations. |
Explained the process of the assessment – formative and summative assessments |
Explained the roles (role-players) in the assessment. |
Explained the appeals procedure. |
Prepared me and ensured that I was ready for the assessment. |
Allowed me to contribute to the success of this assessment. |
Made me aware that I can have two re-assessments, after that I would need to reregister for another programme. |
Explained to me what irregularities there might be and the consequences thereof. |
Showed me the key elements of the implications of the NQF. |
Explained the confidentiality concept regarding the assessment. |
Explained that I can have access to Health and Safety Policy, the RPL policy, the Irregularities Policy and the Appeals Procedures |
Prepared me for assessment. |
Comments by learner
All has been explained
I ______________________________ (learner), have been prepared for the assessment by the assessor, ____________________________, on the ____________________ (date) and declare that I have access to the information on the:
· NQF structure
· The structure of the qualification towards which I am receiving NQF credits
· Appeal process Policy
· RPL Policy
In addition, the assessor gave me the opportunity to give an input on the best way of assessing me that would enhance the fairness and openness of the assessment.
Declaration by learner:
I hereby declare that:
· I am satisfied with the pre-assessment meeting
· I have been given the opportunity to give an input and influence the assessment
· I have received all the documents listed and all my answers have been fully attended to as indicated above
I will be ready to be assessed with regards to the above Unit Standards at the time, on the date and at the venue indicated above.
Signature |
Date |
Last Name |
First Name |
Title |
Reg. No. |
Signature |
Date |
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) – Evidence Matrix
Where learning was acquired |
What evidence will verify learning |
C/Insufficient Evidence |
Academic |
Employment |
Church/ Sport Community |
Valid |
Authentic |
Current |
Consistent |
Sufficient |
Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of ways of seeing the development of babies, toddlers and young children. |
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children within each domain of development. |
Providing a safe and healthy environment to prevent and reduce injuries and illness. |
Promoting and maintaining optimal health and nutrition for caregivers and children. |
Promoting the rights of children. |
Managing routines and transitions. |
Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of ways of seeing the development of babies, toddlers and young children. |
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of
babies, toddlers and young children |
Providing a safe and healthy environment to prevent and reduce injuries and illness. |
Promoting and maintaining optimal health and nutrition for caregivers and children. |
Guidelines to Assessor on possible pieces of evidence that the Learner might present you with:
Evidence |
Description |
Obtained |
Description |
Obtained |
Description |
Obtained |
Attendance of Training |
Invoice/Attendance register |
Prove authenticity |
PoE |
All signatures and dates |
Prove authenticity |
3rd Party Evidence |
Sworn affidavit |
Prove authenticity |
In the event of the learner needing to supply additional evidence arrange for additional assessment
Action to be taken: |
Resources needed by the learner to achieve competency: |
Date, time and venue for |
Completed (√ / X) |
Section 3: Assessment Design Matrix
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children (NLRD 244484)
Name of Skills Programme |
Basic Child Knowledge |
US No. |
244484 |
US Title |
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children |
NQF Level |
4 |
No of Credits |
8 |
Critical Cross-field Outcomes |
CCFO COLLECTING Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information in relation to the progress of children in relation to understanding of child development. |
FA: Activity 1 Knowledge Assignment 1 - 3 SA: Summative Assignment |
CCFO COMMUNICATING Communicate effectively using visual and/or language skills when explaining and describing child development |
FA: Activity 1 Knowledge Assignment 1 - 3 SA: Summative Assignment |
CCFO DEMONSTRATING Understand the world as a set of inter-related parts of a system, thus explaining the factors that impact on child development. |
FA: Activity 1 Knowledge Assignment 1 - 3 SA: Summative Assignment |
Specific Outcomes |
Assessment Criteria |
Assessment Methods |
Assessment Instruments/tasks |
Evidence checklist Specifics to measure achievement & Non achievement |
1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of ways of seeing the development of babies, toddlers and young children. |
1.1 Own views about the meaning and use of key terms are compared to the views of others, showing how such views influence our ways of seeing and working with children. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 1.1 Summative Activity 1 |
Formative Activity 1.1 Summative Activity 1 |
1.2 Different ways of seeing the development of young children are compared to highlight key similarities and differences in the theories. . |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 1.1, 1.2 Knowledge Assessment Question 2 Summative Activity 1 |
Formative Activity 1.1, 1.2 Knowledge Assessment Question 2 Summative Activity 1 |
2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children within each domain of development. |
2.1 Stages in the development of children in each domain are described in line with existing theories |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 1.3, 1.4 Summative Activity 1 |
Formative Activity 1.3, 1.4 Summative Activity 1 |
2.2 Factors that enable the development of children in each domain are identified in line with relevant existing theories. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Summative Activity 1 |
Summative Activity 1 |
2.3 Explanations of how gender, socio-economic background, age, environment and special needs impact on the development of children in each domain are consistent with established theories or literature and the principles of inclusion and anti-bias |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 1.5 Summative Activity 1 |
Formative Activity 1.5 Summative Activity 1 |
2.4 Descriptions are provided to show how development is shaped by socio-cultural influences. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 1.6 Knowledge Assessment Question 3 Summative Activity 1 |
Formative Activity 1.6 Knowledge Assessment Question 3 Summative Activity 1 |
2.5 Descriptions are provided to show how development within each domain is linked to and affected by development in other domains. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Knowledge Assessment Question 3 |
Knowledge Assessment Question 3 |
Essential Embedded Knowledge |
Theories of child development. |
FA: Activity 1 Knowledge Assessment q 1 - 3 Summative Assignment 1 |
Domains of development. |
FA: Activity 1 Knowledge Assessment q 1 - 3 Summative Assignment 1 |
Provide care for babies, toddlers and young children (NLRD 244469)
Name of Skills Programme |
Basic Child Knowledge |
US No. |
244469 |
US Title |
Provide care for babies, toddlers and young children |
NQF Level |
4 |
No of Credits |
10 |
Critical Cross-field Outcomes |
CCFO IDENTIFYING Identify and solve problems related to health, hygiene and safety. |
FA: Activity 2-6 Knowledge Assignment 2 - 9 Summative Assignment 2 A - D |
CCFO ORGANISING · Organise and manage oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively in the promotion of safety, health · and hygiene and the prevention of illness. |
FA: Activity 2-6 Knowledge Assignment 2 - 9 Summative Assignment 2 A - D |
CCFO COLLECTING Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information regarding child illnesses and issues related to the safety and hygiene of the environment.
FA: Activity 2-6 Knowledge Assignment 2 - 9 Summative Assignment 2 A - D |
CCFO COMMUNICATING Communicate effectively with children, adults and health practitioners regarding health, hygiene and safety. |
FA: Activity 2-6 Knowledge Assignment 2 - 9 Summative Assignment 2 A - D |
Specific Outcomes |
Assessment Criteria |
Assessment Methods |
Assessment Instruments/tasks |
Evidence checklist Specifics to measure achievement & Non achievement |
1 Provide a safe and healthy environment to prevent and reduce injuries and illness. 1 Provide a safe and healthy environment to prevent and reduce injuries and illness. |
1.1 Legal implications of providing responsible care are identified, with particular reference to public liability issues and related responsibilities of care-givers |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 3.1 Knowledge Assessment Question q 4 Summative Activity 2A |
Formative Activity 3.1 Knowledge Assessment Question q 4 Summative Activity 2A |
1.2 Environmental hazards are identified and explained in terms of their potential impact on the safety of children. . |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 3.2 Knowledge Assessment Question 8 Summative Activity 2B
Formative Activity 3.2 Knowledge Assessment Question 8 Summative Activity 2B
1.3 Environmental hazards are identified and explained in terms of their potential impact on the health of children. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 3.2 Knowledge Assessment Question 8 Summative Activity 2B
Formative Activity 3.2 Knowledge Assessment Question 8 Summative Activity 2B
1.4 Strategies for preventing and/or correcting safety hazards in the environment are identified and implemented, thus ensuring a safe environment as per the ages and stages of the children. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 3.2 Summative Activity 2B |
Formative Activity 3.2 Summative Activity 2B |
1.5 Strategies for preventing and/or correcting health hazards in the environment are identified and implemented, thus ensuring a safe environment as per the ages and stages of the children. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Knowledge Assessment Question 9 Summative Activity 2C q1 |
Knowledge Assessment Question 9 Summative Activity 2C q1 |
1.6 Written Health & Safety records are maintained to accurately reflect strategies and actions taken. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Summative Activity 2A |
Summative Activity 2A |
1.7 Contact lists of available emergency services and parents/guardians are accurate and easily accessible. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Summative Activity 2B |
Summative Activity 2B |
1.8 Emergency plans, procedures and equipment are ensured to be available, appropriate to the given emergencies, and can be understood by all the adults and children. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Summative Activity 2B |
Summative Activity 2B |
1.9 Supervision of children is appropriate to their developmental level and the degree of potential risk involved. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Summative Activity 2B |
Summative Activity 2B |
2. Promote and maintain optimal health and nutrition for caregivers and children |
2.1 Child health is monitored and instruments are correctly interpreted and integrated into practice. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 4.4 Summative Activity 2C q2 |
Formative Activity 4.4 Summative Activity 2C q2 |
2.2 Awareness and implementation of Workplace Health Policies and Guidelines is explained in terms of maintaining staff health. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 4.5 Summative Activity 2C q7 |
Formative Activity 4.5 Summative Activity 2C q7 |
2.3 Common childhood diseases and infections are described in terms of their symptoms and transmission, as well as possible effects on individuals and/or groups. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 4.2 Knowledge Assessment Question 5,6 |
Formative Activity 4.2 Knowledge Assessment Question 5,6 |
2.4 Responses to illness are appropriate to the nature of the illness. Children presenting symptoms of common infectious diseases are referred to qualified Health Practitioners. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 4.1 Knowledge Assessment Question 7 |
Formative Activity 4.1 Knowledge Assessment Question 7 |
2.5 Actions and communication responding to the holistic needs of children are dealt with in a non-discriminatory and confidential manner, taking into consideration the child's socio-cultural context. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Summative Activity 2C q3 |
Summative Activity 2C q3 |
2.6 Responses to injuries and emergencies are appropriate to the given situation and in line with emergency procedures and first aid practice. Conditions outside of scope of competence are referred to the appropriate authorities without delay. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 4.2, 4.3 Knowledge Assessment Question 8, 9 |
4.2, 4.3 Knowledge Assessment Question 8, 9 |
2.7 Records reflect up-to-date and accurate accounts of health history, regular checks and monitoring activities, medications, actions taken, accidents and incidents. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Summative Activity 2A |
Summative Activity 2A |
2.8 Medication is administered only with written consent from parent/guardian and in line with instructions. Consequences of incorrect application of medicines are described with reference to the wellbeing of the child, and possible legal consequences of negligence. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Summative Activity 2C q4 |
Summative Activity 2C q4 |
2.9 General precautions are identified and applied consistently to promote general health and welfare of children and adults. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Summative Activity 2C |
Summative Activity 2C |
2.10 Nutritional needs of children are provided for in relation to their age, special dietary requirements and cultural preferences, while ensuring balanced meals. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 5 Summative Activity 2C q5 |
Formative Activity 5 Summative Activity 2C q5 |
2.11 Nutrition advice and guidelines provided to children and adults promotes good nutrition and serves to encourage them to promote their own good health. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 5 Summative Activity 2C q5 |
Formative Activity 5 Summative Activity 2C q5 |
3. Promote and protect the rights of children. |
3.1 Education provided to children concerning child rights is consistent with current legislation and regulations and is appropriate for the stage of development of the children. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Summative Activity 2D |
Summative Activity 2D |
3.2 Violations of child rights are correctly identified and reported according to given procedures. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 6.2 Summative Activity 2D |
Formative Activity 6.2 Summative Activity 2D |
3.3 Child monitoring is provided continuously and is sufficient to promote the safety of children |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 6.1 Summative Activity 2D |
Formative Activity 6.1 Summative Activity 2D |
3.4 Opportunities are used to educate parents about ways of protecting children. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Summative Activity 2D |
Summative Activity 2D |
4. Manage routines and transitions. |
4.1 Routines are sufficiently flexible to cater for the individual needs of children. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 2.2, 2.3 Summative Activity 2C |
Formative Activity 2.2, 2.3 Summative Activity 2C |
4.2 Routines implemented are sensitive to individual needs and are consistent with child rights. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 2.2, 2.3 Summative Activity 2C |
Formative Activity 2.2, 2.3 Summative Activity 2C |
4.3 Routines and transitions extend learning and are managed in a way that promotes independence, participation and an understanding of the days progress/sequence. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 2.1, 2.4 Summative Activity 2C |
Formative Activity 2.1, 2.4 Summative Activity 2C |
4.4 Routines and transitions are managed in a way that builds relationships and trust between children and between children and adults.
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 2.4 Summative Activity 2C |
Formative Activity 2.4 Summative Activity 2C |
4.5 Routines are managed at a level that is appropriate for the level of development of the different children |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 2.2, 2.3 Summative Activity 2C |
Formative Activity 2.2, 2.3 Summative Activity 2C |
4.6 Routines are integrated as far as possible into activities, with sufficient opportunity for children to obtain a feeling of competence. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Summative Activity 2C |
Summative Activity 2C |
4.7 Information on babies, toddlers and young children is recorded on a daily basis. |
Questioning Research Product Sample |
Formative Activity 2.2, 2.3 Summative Activity 2A q5 |
Formative Activity 2.2, 2.3 Summative Activity 2A q5 |
Essential Embedded Knowledge |
Childhood illnesses. |
FA: Activity 5 Knowledge Assignment 5 - 9 Summative Assignment 2 A, C |
Nutrition |
FA: Activity 5 Summative Assignment 2 C |
Rights of Children |
FA: Activity 6.1,6.2 Summative Assignment 2 D |
Policy and legislation related to health, safety and hygiene |
FA: Activity 4.4 Summative Assignment 2 C |
Awareness of public liability |
Summative Assignment 2 A |
Section 4: Formative Activities
· Classroom Activities
Activity 1: Development Stages of Babies and Children
US 244484: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children |
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of ways of seeing the development of babies, toddlers and young children. |
Assessment Criteria |
1. Own views about the meaning and use of key terms are compared to the views of others, showing how such views influence our ways of seeing and working with children. Plans cater for the needs of learners and stakeholders, possible learning barriers, previous learning experiences, literacy and numeracy levels, language, culture, special needs and different learning styles. 2. Different ways of seeing the development of young children are compared to highlight key similarities and differences in the theories. |
Specific Outcome 2 |
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children within each domain of development. |
Assessment Criteria |
1. Stages in the development of children in each domain are described in line with existing theories. Plans cater for the needs of learners and stakeholders, possible learning barriers, previous learning experiences, literacy and numeracy levels, language, culture, special needs and different learning styles. 2. Factors that enable the development of children in each domain are identified in line with relevant existing theories. 3. Explanations of how gender, socio-economic background, age, environment and special needs impact on the development of children in each domain are consistent with established theories or literature and the principles of inclusion and anti-bias. 4. Descriptions are provided to show how development is shaped by socio-cultural influences. 5. Descriptions are provided to show how development is shaped by socio-cultural influences. |
Please answer the questions below: |
Name the three main development stages of a child according to Sigmund Freud, and name the age groups in which each prevail.
Name the cognitive development stages as identified by Jean Piaget, and name the associated ages of each.
Name six physical milestones of a baby aged 0 – 3 months.
Name six emotional milestones that should be reached by 5 years.
What influence does a child’s socio-economic background have on his/her development?
Name three ways in which a child is nurtured by his/her parents and caregivers and how it can influence his/her development.
Activity 2: Routines and Transitions
US 244469: Provide care for babies, toddlers and young children |
Specific Outcome
Manage routines and transitions.
Assessment Criteria |
1. Routines are sufficiently flexible to cater for the individual needs of children. 2. Routines implemented are sensitive to individual needs and are consistent with child rights. 3. Routines and transitions extend learning and are managed in a way that promotes independence, participation and an understanding of the days progress/sequence. 4. Routines and transitions are managed in a way that builds relationships and trust between children and between children and adults 5. Routines are managed at a level that is appropriate for the level of development of the different children. 6. Routines are integrated as far as possible into activities, with sufficient opportunity for children to obtain a feeling of competence 7. Information on babies, toddlers and young children is recorded on a daily basis |
Please answer the questions below: |
Name six reasons why routines are important for babies and children.
Activity 2.2 (SO4, AC1, 2, 5, 7)
Draw up a routine for a baby of 6 – 8 months that can be used in a care centre.
Activity 2.3 (SO4, AC1, 2, 5, 7)
Give an example of a routine for older children, around 3 – 5 years.
Name four general principles to plan for effective transitions.
Activity 3: Providing a Safe Environment
US 244469: Provide care for babies, toddlers and young children |
Specific Outcome 1 |
Provide a safe and healthy environment to prevent and reduce injuries and illness.
Assessment Criteria |
1. Legal implications of providing responsible care are identified, with particular reference to public liability issues and related responsibilities of care-givers. 2. Environmental hazards are identified and explained in terms of their potential impact on the safety of children 3. Environmental hazards are identified and explained in terms of their potential impact on the health of children. 4. Strategies for preventing and/or correcting safety hazards in the environment are identified and implemented, thus ensuring a safe environment as per the ages and stages of the children. 5. Contact lists of available emergency services and parents/guardians are accurate and easily accessible. 6. Emergency plans, procedures and equipment are ensured to be available, appropriate to the given emergencies, and can be understood by all the adults and children. 7. Supervision of children is appropriate to their developmental level and the degree of potential risk involved. |
Please answer the questions below: |
3.1.1 Name the law that governs the registration of places of care.
3.1.2 What is the maximum number of children that an unregistered facility may have?
3.1.3 How often must a place of care be reviewed?
Name safety aspects that a facility must abide by in respect of each of the following:
3.2.2 Prevention of poisoning. Include general rules as well as rules for kitchen, toilet and outdoor poison.
General rules: |
Kitchen rules: |
Toilet rules: |
Outdoor poison: |
3.2.3 Storing of medicines
3.2.4 Electricity
3.2.5 Animals
3.2.6 Choking and strangulation
Activity 4: Illnesses and Injuries
US 244469: Provide care for babies, toddlers and young children |
Specific Outcome 1 |
Provide a safe and healthy environment to prevent and reduce injuries and illness. |
Assessment Criteria |
2. Environmental hazards are identified and explained in terms of their potential impact on the safety of children 3. Environmental hazards are identified and explained in terms of their potential impact on the health of children. 4. Strategies for preventing and/or correcting safety hazards in the environment are identified and implemented, thus ensuring a safe environment as per the ages and stages of the children. 5. Strategies for preventing and/or correcting health hazards in the environment are identified and implemented, thus ensuring a safe environment as per the ages and stages of the children. 6. Written Health & Safety records are maintained to accurately reflect strategies and actions taken 9. Supervision of children is appropriate to their developmental level and the degree of potential risk involved. |
Specific Outcome 2 |
Promote and maintain optimal health and nutrition for caregivers and children. |
Assessment Criteria |
1. Child health is monitored and instruments are correctly interpreted and integrated into practice. 2. Awareness and implementation of Workplace Health Policies and Guidelines is explained in terms of maintaining staff health. 3. Common childhood diseases and infections are described in terms of their symptoms and transmission, as well as possible effects on individuals and/or groups. 4. Responses to illness are appropriate to the nature of the illness. Children presenting symptoms of common infectious diseases are referred to qualified Health Practitioners. 5. Actions and communication responding to the holistic needs of children are dealt with in a non-discriminatory and confidential manner, taking into consideration the child's socio-cultural context. 6. Responses to injuries and emergencies are appropriate to the given situation and in line with emergency procedures and first aid practice. Conditions outside of scope of competence are referred to the appropriate authorities without delay. 7. Records reflect up-to-date and accurate accounts of health history, regular checks and monitoring activities, medications, actions taken, accidents and incidents. 8. Medication is administered only with written consent from parent/guardian and in line with instructions. Consequences of incorrect application of medicines are described with reference to the wellbeing of the child, and possible legal consequences of negligence. 9. General precautions are identified and applied consistently to promote general health and welfare of children and adults. |
Please answer the questions below: |
List five questions that you can use to determine whether a baby is sick.
Work together in small groups (3 – 4 members). Complete the table of diseases and conditions by indicating the symptoms and treatment. Also indicate whether it is in infectious disease or not. |
Work on your own. Complete the table of diseases and conditions by indicating the symptoms and treatment. Also indicate whether it is in infectious disease or not. |
Illness or Condition |
Symptoms |
Treatment |
Infectious/not infectious |
Fever |
Prickly Heat or Heat Rash: |
Ear infection |
Rotavirus |
Chickenpox |
Measles |
Strep throat |
Work together in small groups (3 – 4 members). Indicate by completing the table how you should react to each of the following emergencies: |
Work on your own. Indicate by completing the table how you should react to each of the following emergencies: |
Emergency |
Correct Action |
Wasp or bee sting |
Serious burn, baby not breathing |
Cuts and scrapes |
Electrical shock |
Nosebleed |
Please answer the questions below: |
4.4.1 What is the “Road to Health Card”? When will this card be needed?
4.4.2 Name eight illnesses for which a child should receive immunisation.
Write down what procedure should be followed by a child care worker to lift children without injuring the worker’s back.
Activity 5: Nutrition and Food
US 244469: Provide care for babies, toddlers and young children |
Specific Outcome 2 |
Promote and maintain optimal health and nutrition for caregivers and children. |
Assessment Criteria |
10. Nutritional needs of children are provided for in relation to their age, special dietary requirements and cultural preferences, while ensuring balanced meals. 11. Nutrition advice and guidelines provided to children and adults promotes good nutrition and serves to encourage them to promote their own good health. |
Work together in small groups (3 – 4 members). Work in your groups, and plan menus for a pre-school for five days. It must be planned for breakfast, morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack. Make sure that you follow all the rules about good nutrition, the food pyramid and portion sizes as found in your learner guide. The children in this school are all between 4 and 6 years old. You are welcome to use the template below: |
Work on your own. Plan menus for a pre-school for five days. It must be planned for breakfast, morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack. Make sure that you follow all the rules about good nutrition, the food pyramid and portion sizes as found in your learner guide. The children in this school are all between 4 and 6 years old. You are welcome to use the template below: |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Breakfast |
Mid-Morning Snack |
Lunch |
Mid-Afternoon snack |
Activity 6: Basic Rights of Children
US 244469: Provide care for babies, toddlers and young children |
Specific Outcome 3 |
Promote and protect the rights of children. |
Assessment Criteria |
1. Education provided to children concerning child rights is consistent with current legislation and regulations and is appropriate for the stage of development of the children 2. Violations of child rights are correctly identified and reported according to given procedures. 3. Child monitoring is provided continuously and is sufficient to promote the safety of children. 4. Child monitoring is provided continuously and is sufficient to promote the safety of children.
Please answer the questions below: |
6.1. What safety guidelines should we follow with regards to the following:
6.1.1 Keeping strangers out.
6.1.2 Control over who takes the child home.
6.1.3 Supervision.
6.1.4 Transportation.
6.1.5 Locking up of the centre
6.2.1 Indicate how you should respond towards a child if you suspect that he/she is a victim of violation.
6.2.2 What information will you need?
. |
6.2.3 Who do you report to?
Section 5: Knowledge Assignment
Question 1 (US 244484 SO1, AC2)
Shortly state what Lev Vygotsky means with his sociocultural theory.
Question 2 (US 244484 SO1, AC2)
Name the four stages of attachment as identified by John Bowlby.
Question 3 (US 244484 SO2, AC4, 5)
Shortly state how each of the following factors influence child development:
3.1 Socio-economic background
3.2 Nutrition
3.3 Stimulation
Question 4 (US 244469 SO1, AC1)
Name six circumstances that can lead to the closing down of a place of care.
Question 5 (US 244469 SO2, AC3)
What is the different between an acute and a chronic disease? Name two examples of each.
Question 6 (US 244469 SO2, AC3)
Shortly discuss how you would treat each of the following:
6.1 Nappy rash
6.2 Fever
6.3 Contact dermatitis
6.4 Cradle cap
Question 7 (US 244469 SO2, AC4)
Indicate by marking the correct column which of the following diseases are infectious and which not:
Disease |
Infectious |
Not infectious |
Mumps |
Rotavirus |
Vomiting |
Chicken pox |
Glue ear |
Measles |
Croup |
Rubella |
Question 8 (US 244469 SO 1 AC 2, 3; SO2, AC6)
Describe how you would treat each of the following emergencies:
8.1 Asthmatic attack
8.2 Choking in a baby or less than 12 months
8.3 Open fracture
8.4 Severe bleeding
8.5 Seizure
8.6 Suspected poisoning
(6) |
8.7 Burn wound
Question 9 (US 244469 SO1, AC5; SO 2 AC 6)
Name four instances in child care where Universal Precautions do not apply.
Score: |
Total: |
100 |
Percentage: |
% |
Section 6: Workplace Assessment
The workplace assignment consists of five assignment that will provide evidence of your newly acquired skills. Each of these assignments relates to the following specific outcomes of Unit Standards 244484 and 244469:
· Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of ways of seeing the development of babies, toddlers and young children.
· Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children within each domain of development.
· Providing a safe and healthy environment to prevent and reduce injuries and illness.
· Promoting and maintaining optimal health and nutrition for caregivers and children.
· Promoting the rights of children.
· Managing routines and transitions.
Before each assignment you will receive specific instructions relating to the instruction. The following instruction relates to the overall workplace assignment.
· You need to complete all five assessments, and submit all required information and Attachments
· Use the Evidence checklist provided to ensure that you have provided all the evidence required before you submit your Portfolio of Evidence.
Assignment 1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children (US 244484, SO 1 AC 1, 2; SO 2 AC 1, 2, 3)
1. In the table below compare the development theories of two well-known theorists, and the, in the third column, write down what your views are concerning the specific aspects that you have mentioned. You must discuss at least three aspects or age groups of each theorist.
Theorist 1: ____________________________ |
Theorist 2: ___________________________ |
Own views |
Aspect / Age group 1:
Aspect / Age group 1: |
Aspect / Age group 1: |
Aspect / Age group 2:
Aspect / Age group 2: |
Aspect / Age group 2: |
Aspect / Age group 3:
Aspect / Age group 3: |
Aspect / Age group 3: |
2. In the table below, choose one of the development age groups and discuss shortly the development milestones as indicated:
Indicate clearly which age group you chose.
Age group: ___________________________________________
Physical development |
Emotional development |
Intellectual development |
Write a short report on how the care facility where you work adhere to the different legal aspects. Include information on each of the following:
1. How many children are cared for in this facility?
2. Name the documents that had to be provided in order to register this facility.
3. What provision has been made for public liability?
4. Make a list of the actions of practices that are forbidden in this facility
5. Which records are kept, and how often are they updated?
Assignment 2B: Essay on Safety Measures (US 244469, SO 1 AC 2 -4, 6 - 9)
Write a short essay in which you describe what safety measures your facility takes to ensure that children are safe at all times. Include everything that is done at your facility, but it should address at least the following:
· Measures to ensure safety of children indoors
· Measures to ensure safety of children outdoors
· Water sources
· Prevention of poisoning
· Prevention of burns, cuts, strangulation and choking
· Prevention of falls
· Safeguarding of electricity points
· Safe exposure of children to animals
· Prevention of food contamination
· Traffic safety
· The administer process of medicines
· Insert the essay after the appropriate page as Addendum A
· Insert a copy of your emergency evacuation plan after the appropriate page as Addendum B
· Insert a list of emergency contact numbers after the appropriate page as Addendum C
Emergency Evacuation Plan – Addendum B
Emergency Contact Numbers – Addendum C
Please insert your evidence after this page.
Assignment 2C: Questions on Health Care (US 244469, SO 1 AC 5SO 2 AC 1 – 11, SO 4 AC 1 - 7)
Please answer the questions below by writing a short paragraph on each:
1. Describe how your facility deals with children that have infectious diseases.
2. How does your facility ensure that all children receive the compulsory immunisations?
3. How do you ensure that children’s illnesses are treated in a confidential way?
4. Describe the procedures in your facility when medicines are administered to children. Include details on how medicines are stored. Attach an example of the medicine record sheet as Addendum C.
5. Discuss how menus are compiled in your facility, who does the planning, and what must be kept in mind when compiling a menu. Attach an example of a menu for one week for one of the age groups as Addendum E.
6. Attach as Addendum F and G examples of the routine that is followed in your facility for two different age groups, one must be a group of younger than a year, and the other for a group older than a year. Describe shortly how transitions are managed to ensure that children feel safe.
7. Describe how your facility makes provision to maintain staff health. Include immunisations, exclusions because of certain illnesses and muscoskeletal injuries.
Insert your 7 paragraphs after the appropriate page as Addendum D
Medicine record Sheet – Addendum C
Example Menus for 1 week – Addendum E
Example of routine for age group 1 – Addendum F
Example of routine for age group 2 – Addendum G
Please insert your evidence after this page.
Assignment 2D: Information Session for Parents (US 244469, SO 3 AC 1 - 4)
Invite the parents of the children in your child care facility to an information session on the needs and rights of children. Prepare a presentation in which you discuss the following with the parents:
· What your facility does to ensure that the care provided protects the rights of children according to current legislation and regulations
· That the care is appropriate for the stage of development of the children
· What procedures are followed by the facility to identify and report possible violations of child rights
· What safety measures are in place in the facility to ensure the safety of children at all times. This must include at least the following:
- Steps to keeps strangers out
- How control is exercised on who collects children from school
- What steps are taken to ensure that children are never left unsupervised
- What steps are taken to ensure that children are not locked in the building at closing time
- What safety procedures are followed when children are transported
· What parents can do to protect the safety of their children. This should include at least:
- Safety measures at home
- Safety measures when travelling
- Safety measures in public places
The following should be included in your portfolio:
· A copy of your presentation – this can either be cue cards, a copy of a PowerPoint presentation or a poster that you used for the presentation. Insert this after the appropriate page as Addendum H
· Two completed checklists (see attached), one by a senior staff member at the facility and the second on by one of your peers.
Presentation Checklist 1 - Senior Staff Member
C |
Comments |
Current legislation and regulations concerning child rights were discussed appropriately |
Learner explained what steps the facility takes to protect the rights of children according to legislation |
Learner explained how the facility makes provision for different stages of development of the children |
Learner explained what procedures are followed to identify possible violation of child rights |
Learner explained what procedures are followed to report possible violation of child rights |
Learner explained what safety measures are in place in the facility to ensure the safety of children at all times. This should include:
Learner explained what parents can do to ensure that their children are safe at all times. This should include Safety measures at home Safety measures when travelling Safety measures in public places |
Final finding |
Signature of observer
Name of observer:
Signature of learner
Name of learner |
Presentation Checklist 2 -Complete by Peer
C |
Comments |
Current legislation and regulations concerning child rights were discussed appropriately |
Learner explained what steps the facility takes to protect the rights of children according to legislation |
Learner explained how the facility makes provision for different stages of development of the children |
Learner explained what procedures are followed to identify possible violation of child rights |
Learner explained what procedures are followed to report possible violation of child rights |
Learner explained what safety measures are in place in the facility to ensure the safety of children at all times. This should include:
Learner explained what parents can do to ensure that their children are safe at all times. This should include Safety measures at home Safety measures when travelling Safety measures in public places |
Final Finding |
Signature of observer
Name of observer:
Signature of learner
Name of learner |
Copy of Presentation – Addendum G
Please insert your evidence after this page
Section 7: FUTURE FAMILIES Feedback
· Assessor Feedback to the Learner
· Confirmation of Feedback Received
· Learner Feedback to the Assessor
This checklist has been prepared for use by the learner, assessor and moderator.
The purpose of this document is to assist:
· The learner to check whether he/she has generated and submitted all the required evidence in his/her PoE.
· The assessor and moderator to determine whether the submitted evidence is:
o Valid
o Authentic
o Relevant
o Sufficient
o Current
When using the document all parties should insert a tick to indicate the following:
· The evidence is in the portfolio
· The evidence is complete (completed, signed and dated)
Should evidence be missing or incomplete an X should be inserted in the column and a comment recorded. These comments will indicate to the learner that additional evidence is required and should be submitted before a final assessment judgement of competent can be made.
Basic Child Knowledge |
Learner |
ID |
Assessor |
Assessor No |
Moderator |
Moderator No |
Insert a tick √ in the relevant column if the evidence is in the PoE or a cross X if the evidence is not in the PoE or is incomplete. In the case where evidence is not submitted or incomplete, please record comprehensive comments.
Evidence |
Learner |
Assessor |
Moderator |
Administrative Documents |
Learner ID |
Learner CV |
Learner Information form completed (demographics section) |
learner Qualifications |
Declaration of authenticity |
Pre-assessment Minutes of Meeting (signed) |
Learner Assessor agreement completed and signed |
Learner Assessor Preparation and Assessment Plan (completed and signed) |
Formative Assessment |
Learner |
Assessor |
Moderator |
Activity 1 |
Activity 2 |
Activity 3 |
Activity 4 |
Activity 5 |
Activity6 |
Learner |
Assessor |
Moderator |
Completed Knowledge Questionnaire |
Workplace Assessment |
Summative Assignment 1 (US 244484, SO 1 AC 1. 2; SO 2 AC 1,2,3) |
Learner |
Assessor |
Moderator |
Compare development theories |
Development milestones |
Summative Assignment Part 2A (US 244469, SO 1 AC 1, 6; SO 2 AC 7; SO 4 AC 7) |
Learner |
Assessor |
Moderator |
Report |
Summative Assignment Part 2B (US 244469, SO 1 AC 2 -4, 6 – 9) |
Learner |
Assessor |
Moderator |
Essay – Addendum A |
Emergency Evacuation Plan - Addendum B |
Emergency Contact Numbers - Addendum C |
Summative Assignment Part 2C (US 244469, SO 1 AC 5SO 2 AC 1 – 11, SO 4 AC 1 - 7) |
Learner |
Assessor |
Moderator |
Paragraphs 1 -6 - Addendum D |
Exmple Menus - Addendum E |
Example of routine, group 1 - Addendum F |
Example of routine, group 2 - Addendum G |
Summative Assignment Part 2D (US 244469, SO 3 AC 1 - 4) |
Learner |
Assessor |
Moderator |
Copy of presentation Addendum H |
Presentation checklist senior staff member |
Presentation checklist peer |
Principles of Evidence |
Learner |
Assessor |
Moderator |
Valid |
Authentic |
Relevant |
Sufficient |
Current |
Comments |
I am ready to be assessed |
Name |
Signature |
Number |
Date |
Learner |
Assessor |
Moderator |
Learners Log Book |
Date |
Time Spent |
Evidence Generated |
Learners Signature |
Managers Signature |
Assessor Feedback to Learner per Summative Assessment Activity
Learner Name: |
Learner Signature: |
Assessor Name: |
Assessor Signature: |
Moderator Name: |
Moderator Signature: |
Witness Name: |
Witness Signature: |
Date: |
Qualification Name: |
Qualification ID: |
Unit Standard / s: |
1 |
Feedback on Knowledge Questionnaire |
ASSESSMENT DECISION: Competent / Not Yet Competent |
Actions to be taken:
2 |
Feedback on Portfolio of Evidence |
ASSESSMENT DECISION: Competent / Not Yet Competent |
Actions to be taken: |
3 |
Feedback on Supplementary Evidence submitted |
ASSESSMENT DECISION: Competent / Not Yet Competent |
Actions to be taken: |
4 |
Overall Assessment Decision |
Competent / Not yet Competent |
Attach find completed Assessor’s Report |
Role Player |
Signature |
Date |
Learner |
Assessor |
Moderator |
FUTURE FAMILIES Assessor Feedback to Learner per Outcome
Learner Facilitator Name: |
ID Number: |
FUTURE FAMILIES Assessor Name: |
Assessor Number: |
Purpose of Assessment |
Learning barriers / special requirements: |
Venue: |
Assessment Date: |
US No. |
244484 |
US Title |
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children |
NQF Level |
4 |
No of Credits |
8 |
Critical Cross Field Outcomes |
Evidence |
1st submission |
2nd submission |
3rd submission |
C |
C |
C |
CCFO COLLECTING Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information in relation to the progress of children in relation to understanding of child development. |
FA: Activity 1 Knowledge Assignment 1 - 3 SA: Summative Assignment |
CCFO COMMUNICATING Communicate effectively using visual and/or language skills when explaining and describing child development |
FA: Activity 1 Knowledge Assignment 1 - 3 SA: Summative Assignment |
CCFO DEMONSTRATING Understand the world as a set of inter-related parts of a system, thus explaining the factors that impact on child development. |
FA: Activity 1 Knowledge Assignment 1 - 3 SA: Summative Assignment |
Assessment Decision: |
Specific Outcomes |
Assessment Criteria |
Evidence checklist |
1st submission |
2nd submission |
3rd submission |
C |
C |
C |
1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of ways of seeing the development of babies, toddlers and young children. |
1.1 Own views about the meaning and use of key terms are compared to the views of others, showing how such views influence our ways of seeing and working with children. |
Formative Activity 1.1 Summative Activity 1 |
1.2 Different ways of seeing the development of young children are compared to highlight key similarities and differences in the theories. . |
Formative Activity 1.1, 1.2 Knowledge Assessment Question 2 Summative Activity 1 |
Assessment Decision: |
Specific Outcomes |
Assessment Criteria |
Evidence checklist |
1st submission |
2nd submission |
3rd submission |
C |
C |
C |
2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children within each domain of development.
2.1 Stages in the development of children in each domain are described in line with existing theories |
Formative Activity 1.3, 1.4 Summative Activity 1 |
2.2 Factors that enable the development of children in each domain are identified in line with relevant existing theories. |
Summative Activity 1 |
2.3 Explanations of how gender, socio-economic background, age, environment and special needs impact on the development of children in each domain are consistent with established theories or literature and the principles of inclusion and anti-bias |
Formative Activity 1.5 Summative Activity 1 |
2.4 Descriptions are provided to show how development is shaped by socio-cultural influences. |
Formative Activity 1.6 Knowledge Assessment Question 3 Summative Activity 1 |
2.5 Descriptions are provided to show how development within each domain is linked to and affected by development in other domains. |
Knowledge Assessment Question 3 |
Assessment Decision: |
Essential Embedded Knowledge |
Evidence checklist |
1st submission |
2nd submission |
3rd submission |
C |
C |
C |
Theories of child development.
FA: Activity 1 Knowledge Assessment q 1 - 3 Summative Assignment 1 |
Domains of development. |
FA: Activity 1 Knowledge Assessment q 1 - 3 Summative Assignment 1 |
Assessment Decision: |
US No. |
244469 |
US Title |
Provide care for babies, toddlers and young children |
NQF Level |
4 |
No of Credits |
10 |
Critical Cross Field Outcomes |
Evidence |
1st submission |
2nd submission |
3rd submission |
C |
C |
C |
CCFO IDENTIFYING Identify and solve problems related to health, hygiene and safety. |
FA: Activity 2-6 Knowledge Assignment 2 - 9 Summative Assignment 2 A - D |
CCFO ORGANISING Organise and manage oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively in the promotion of safety, health and hygiene and the prevention of illness. |
FA: Activity 2-6 Knowledge Assignment 2 - 9 Summative Assignment 2 A - D |
CCFO COLLECTING Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information regarding child illnesses and issues related to the safety and hygiene of the environment.
FA: Activity 2-6 Knowledge Assignment 2 - 9 Summative Assignment 2 A - D |
CCFO COMMUNICATING Communicate effectively with children, adults and health practitioners regarding health, hygiene and safety. |
FA: Activity 2-6 Knowledge Assignment 2 - 9 Summative Assignment 2 A - D |
Assessment Decision: |
Specific Outcomes |
Assessment Criteria |
Evidence checklist |
1st submission |
2nd submission |
3rd submission |
C |
C |
C |
1 Provide a safe and healthy environment to prevent and reduce injuries and illness. |
1.1 Legal implications of providing responsible care are identified, with particular reference to public liability issues and related responsibilities of care-givers |
Formative Activity 3.1 Knowledge Assessment Question q 4 Summative Activity 2A
1.2 Environmental hazards are identified and explained in terms of their potential impact on the safety of children. . |
Formative Activity 3.2 Knowledge Assessment Question 8 Summative Activity 2B
1.3 Environmental hazards are identified and explained in terms of their potential impact on the health of children. |
Formative Activity 3.2 Knowledge Assessment Question 8 Summative Activity 2B
1.4 Strategies for preventing and/or correcting safety hazards in the environment are identified and implemented, thus ensuring a safe environment as per the ages and stages of the children. |
Formative Activity 3.2 Summative Activity 2B |
1.5 Strategies for preventing and/or correcting health hazards in the environment are identified and implemented, thus ensuring a safe environment as per the ages and stages of the children. |
Knowledge Assessment Question 9 Summative Activity 2C q1 |
1.6 Written Health & Safety records are maintained to accurately reflect strategies and actions taken. |
Summative Activity 2A |
1.7 Contact lists of available emergency services and parents/guardians are accurate and easily accessible. |
Summative Activity 2B |
1.8 Emergency plans, procedures and equipment are ensured to be available, appropriate to the given emergencies, and can be understood by all the adults and children. |
Summative Activity 2B |
1.9 Supervision of children is appropriate to their developmental level and the degree of potential risk involved. |
Summative Activity 2B |
Assessment Decision: |
Specific Outcomes |
Assessment Criteria |
Evidence checklist |
1st submission |
2nd submission |
3rd submission |
C |
C |
C |
2. Promote and maintain optimal health and nutrition for caregivers and children |
2.1 Child health is monitored and instruments are correctly interpreted and integrated into practice. |
Formative Activity 4.4 Summative Activity 2C q2 |
2.2 Awareness and implementation of Workplace Health Policies and Guidelines is explained in terms of maintaining staff health. |
Formative Activity 4.5 Summative Activity 2C q7 |
2.3 Common childhood diseases and infections are described in terms of their symptoms and transmission, as well as possible effects on individuals and/or groups. |
Formative Activity 4.2 Knowledge Assessment Question 5,6 |
2.4 Responses to illness are appropriate to the nature of the illness. Children presenting symptoms of common infectious diseases are referred to qualified Health Practitioners. |
Formative Activity 4.1 Knowledge Assessment Question 7 |
2.5 Actions and communication responding to the holistic needs of children are dealt with in a non-discriminatory and confidential manner, taking into consideration the child's socio-cultural context. |
Summative Activity 2C q3 |
2.6 Responses to injuries and emergencies are appropriate to the given situation and in line with emergency procedures and first aid practice. Conditions outside of scope of competence are referred to the appropriate authorities without delay. |
Formative Activity 4.2, 4.3 Knowledge Assessment Question 8, 9 |
2.7 Records reflect up-to-date and accurate accounts of health history, regular checks and monitoring activities, medications, actions taken, accidents and incidents. |
Summative Activity 2A |
2.8 Medication is administered only with written consent from parent/guardian and in line with instructions. Consequences of incorrect application of medicines are described with reference to the wellbeing of the child, and possible legal consequences of negligence. |
Summative Activity 2C q4 |
2.9 General precautions are identified and applied consistently to promote general health and welfare of children and adults. |
Summative Activity 2C |
2.10 Nutritional needs of children are provided for in relation to their age, special dietary requirements and cultural preferences, while ensuring balanced meals. |
Formative Activity 5 Summative Activity 2C q5 |
2.11 Nutrition advice and guidelines provided to children and adults promotes good nutrition and serves to encourage them to promote their own good health. |
Formative Activity 5 Summative Activity 2C q5 |
Assessment Decision: |
Specific Outcomes |
Assessment Criteria |
Evidence checklist |
1st submission |
2nd submission |
3rd submission |
C |
C |
C |
3. Promote and protect the rights of children. |
3.1 Education provided to children concerning child rights is consistent with current legislation and regulations and is appropriate for the stage of development of the children. |
Summative Activity 2D |
3.2 Violations of child rights are correctly identified and reported according to given procedures. |
Formative Activity 6.2 Summative Activity 2D |
3.3 Child monitoring is provided continuously and is sufficient to promote the safety of children |
Formative Activity 6.1 Summative Activity 2D |
3.4 Opportunities are used to educate parents about ways of protecting children. |
Summative Activity 2D |
Assessment Decision: |
Specific Outcomes |
Assessment Criteria |
Evidence checklist |
1st submission |
2nd submission |
3rd submission |
C |
C |
C |
4. Manage routines and transitions. |
4.1 Routines are sufficiently flexible to cater for the individual needs of children. |
Formative Activity 2.2, 2.3 Summative Activity 2C |
4.2 Routines implemented are sensitive to individual needs and are consistent with child rights. |
Formative Activity 2.2, 2.3 Summative Activity 2C |
4.3 Routines and transitions extend learning and are managed in a way that promotes independence, participation and an understanding of the days progress/sequence. |
Formative Activity 2.1, 2.4 Summative Activity 2C |
4.4 Routines and transitions are managed in a way that builds relationships and trust between children and between children and adults.
Formative Activity 2.4 Summative Activity 2C |
4.5 Routines are managed at a level that is appropriate for the level of development of the different children |
Formative Activity 2.2, 2.3 Summative Activity 2C |
4.6 Routines are integrated as far as possible into activities, with sufficient opportunity for children to obtain a feeling of competence. |
Summative Activity 2C |
4.7 Information on babies, toddlers and young children is recorded on a daily basis. |
Formative Activity 2.2, 2.3 Summative Activity 2A q5 |
Assessment Decision: |
Essential Embedded Knowledge |
Evidence checklist |
1st submission |
2nd submission |
3rd submission |
C |
C |
C |
Childhood illnesses. |
FA: Activity 5 Knowledge Assignment 5 - 9 Summative Assignment 2 A, C |
Nutrition |
FA: Activity 5 Summative Assignment 2 C |
Rights of Children |
FA: Activity 6.1,6.2 Summative Assignment 2 D |
Policy and legislation related to health, safety and hygiene |
FA: Activity 4.4 Summative Assignment 2 C |
Awareness of public liability |
Summative Assignment 2 A |
Assessment Decision: |
US No. |
244484 |
US Title |
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children |
NQF Level |
4 |
No of Credits |
10 |
1st Submission |
2nd Submission |
3rd Submission |
C |
C |
C |
SO1 |
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of ways of seeing the development of babies, toddlers and young children. |
SO2 |
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children within each domain of development. |
CCFO COLLECTING Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information in relation to the progress of children in relation to understanding of child development. |
CCFO COMMUNICATING Communicate effectively using visual and/or language skills when explaining and describing child development |
CCFO DEMONSTRATING Understand the world as a set of inter-related parts of a system, thus explaining the factors that impact on child development. |
EEK’s |
Theories of child development.
Domains of development. |
Assessment Decision: (Subject to Moderation) |
Feedback from Candidate: |
Role Player |
Signature |
Date |
Candidate |
Assessor |
Moderator |
US No. |
244469 |
US Title |
Provide care for babies, toddlers and young children |
NQF Level |
4 |
No of Credits |
10 |
1st Submission |
2nd Submission |
3rd Submission |
C |
C |
C |
SO1 |
Provide a safe and healthy environment to prevent and reduce injuries and illness. |
SO2 |
Promote and maintain optimal health and nutrition for caregivers and children |
SO 3 |
Promote and protect the rights of children. |
SO 4 |
Manage routines and transitions. |
CCFO IDENTIFYING Identify and solve problems related to health, hygiene and safety. |
CCFO ORGANISING Organise and manage oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively in the promotion of safety, health and hygiene and the prevention of illness. |
CCFO COLLECTING Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information regarding child illnesses and issues related to the safety and hygiene of the environment. |
CCFO COMMUNICATING Communicate effectively with children, adults and health practitioners regarding health, hygiene and safety. |
EEK’s |
Childhood illnesses. |
Nutrition |
Rights of Children |
Policy and legislation related to health, safety and hygiene |
Awareness of public liability |
Assessment Decision: (Subject to Moderation) |
Feedback from Candidate: |
Role Player |
Signature |
Date |
Candidate |
Assessor |
Moderator |
Learner Confirmation of Feedback Received
I, ____________________________ of ID ____________________________ hereby confirm that I received feedback pertaining to my achievement in the following (delete where not applicable):
Qualification Name |
ID |
Credits |
Skills Programme Name |
Unit Standards |
Credits |
I hereby confirm that I agree with the above assessment judgement and that the Assessment was conducted in a fair manner.
Signed at ________________________________ on this _______ day of ________________ 20__.
__________________________ ______________________
Learner Date
Learner Feedback to the Assessor
Learner Name |
ID |
Assessor Name |
Assessor No |
Moderator Name |
Moderator No |
Facilitator Name |
Witness |
Venue |
Date |
Time |
Assessment tools |
Knowledge questionnaire |
FA |
SA |
Portfolio of evidence |
FA |
SA |
Observation |
FA |
SA |
Role Play |
Assessment criteria |
Description |
Yes |
No |
Systematic |
The assessment was conducted in a logical sequence to ensure an acceptable flow of ideas and understanding of the steps in the assessment process. |
Objective |
Evaluations were based on factual information rather than personal opinion. |
Appropriate |
The method of assessment is suited for the performance or work functions tested |
Authentic |
Evidence is provided that the work that was being assessed was original and attributable to the learner that is being assessed |
Fair |
The assessment methods used and the assessment plan ensures that all learners are treated equally regardless of the cultural, social or educational backgrounds. |
Consistent |
Judgements made on the competency of the learner would be the same regardless of the assessor involved or the circumstances surrounding the assessment |
Integrated |
Evidence collected is integrated from the learning process and workplace requirements. Assessment criteria are also integrated from different learning outcomes |
Learner statement of acceptability |
I hereby declare that I am satisfied with the way in which the assessment was conducted. I fully understand the assessment criteria that should be used in assessing the competency of a learner. I am confident that these principles have been applied in a fair and appropriate manner. |
Role Players |
Signatures |
Date |
Learner |
Assessor |
Moderator |
Last Name |
First Name |
Title |
ID. No. |
Company |
Contact Numbers |
Home |
( |
) |
Work |
( |
) |
Cell |
( |
) |
Fax |
( |
) |
I hereby formally appeal against the outcome or result of an assessment that was conducted as following:
Assessor Name |
NQF Level |
Credits |
Unit Standard Title |
Venue (place) |
Date |
My reasons for appeal against the decision |
Signature |
Date |
Moderator findings: |
Last Name |
First Name |
Title |
Reg. No. |
Signature |
Date |